We'll help you with
job searching
Advance your career
We work with established leaders on the job market and with promising startups. Our portfolio of clients includes both Czech and foreign companies and we can help anyone find a job to their liking.
We focus on roles for medior and senior specialists and managers
We usually offer positions in the fields of engineering,
marketing, sales, finance, IT and HR.
Just a few steps to a
new job offer
Not completely satisfied with your current job? Let us help you find a new job offer! At GoodCall, we connect you with market-leading companies and recommend you for positions based on your needs and experience. You could be just a few steps away from an interesting offer.
Choose your field and upload your CV or LinkedIn profile.
Fill out the form below.
We'll get in touch as soon as possible to discuss your ideas.
Not sure what position you are looking for? Contact us directly
Tell us some basic information about yourself. We'll get back to you to discuss the next steps - NO STRINGS ATTACHED.